Stock spark plug life

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    Taro Yamada


    Posts: 7

    Hi all!

    How long is lifespan of a stock spark plug?

    My RS has done 23000miles, and a maintainance shop recommended to replace plugs. I’m surprised because I have thought recent cars have long-life spark plugs.



    MY18 RHD edition from UK

    I’m Japanese, not chinese.

    Japan is not in location list. :p

    Sorry for my poor english.



    UK - England

    Posts: 160

    Hello. I just had my 3rd year service (20K miles on the car) and had new plugs in that and that was done by mountune. I was even thinking before that I would defo be changing them even if they were designed to run for longer… It was much better afterwards.



    UK - England

    Posts: 217

    Had my 3rd service back in March and spark plugs were replaced (8500 miles).



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    15k and 3rd set…. 2 standard, now on Mountune ngk ltr71x-11….. for the cost i change @ every 4-5k ish

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