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    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    Looking forward to my forge engine in a week and a bits  time , LSD being fitted and now Piper stage 2 cams with uprated springs  going in I thought I might as well as the engine is in bits

    Anyone else using the piper stage 2 cams , was wondering what there like with a stage 2 car before I go bigger turbo


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    No idea mate but im still running mine in after being forged and its killing me! I wanna floor it so bad. What power are you aiming for?





    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    @Matt. B

    Not looking forward to the running in either 😕 I only do about 3k a year so it’s going to be some evening driving I think after work to get it done

    Power wise looking at 500 plus

    Either Sabre  devil development , or the Mountune 520 (but different mapping )



    UK - England

    Posts: 9342

    How many miles you done now Matt??  Once the rings have bedded in ( after about half an hour) thats it, nothing else is going to bed in or run in, the crank and bearings will look the same now as they will in 20000 miles if built properly and proper oil etc.  A few half throttle runs through the gears to 4500, then a few 3/4 throttle blasts to 5000 and then youre good to go !  Soft initial running in is NO good at all, you need to force the rings into the bores to get them bedded, and thats only achieved by plenty of combustion pressure. Run it no boost and gentle, lots of rings and bores get glazed and never seal fully/get smoky especially with todays oils that DONT allow metal to metal contact. Thats why we run engines in on crap cheap oil for 50 miles then refill with the good stuff, then FLAT OUT !!

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Stage 2 Piper cams are they the BP270 profile with a 7000rpm limit. Not used these in the Mk3 but did in an XR2 seemed fine and could feel the difference instantly. Tickover slightly higher but in comparison to the Stg3 very very similar.
    A nice drivable cam profile

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 692


    yes I think they are the 270 profile

    I was told they drive nicely without too much mapping, where would the extra power come higher up the range I am guessing ?



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Ive got 270’s and all good… nice change in the sound to the car, full rally car mode at the moment tho with so many changes and no tune 😅… really cant wait for the 27th Next month

    states i don’t know why mental long run in periods are being done? 75-100 mile with correct procedure done…

    Also don’t understand how an engine builder would build new / forge, then let the customer with no or very little experience run in the engine. Or is it a kind of disclaimer, if anything is wrong…. “must of been run in wrong” 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    Hmm well if thats the case il be abit more aggressive with it today. Ive definitely been up the rev range but not absolutley floored it yet. Need to contact sabre i think.





    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    @Matt. B

    Who built your engine wasn’t it at Mountune with their ex mechanics ,I think I spoke to you briefly at Ford Fair

    I am also concerned about the running in because I have had blowby on a engine before but at the end of the day I think we have to listen to the engine builders as they are providing the guarantee , what were you specific instructions ?


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    Yes mate FJRS formally mountune built it. Instructions were first 500 miles no more than 4k revs and heavy load then oil change and able to use all the revs but dont go mad for another 500.





    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    Cams arrived fast road 270 , bit tight getting them only 1 supplier had them on the shelf , all ready for next week 👍



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Mine sounds the Nuts now with the 270’s and ported head 😍👌🏻



    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    Do they have a lumpy tick over ??



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Mines real lumpy at mo, but so much changed and no tune…. 27th cant come quick enough… whole sound to the car is way deeper, you on instagram can send you a vid…



    UK - England

    Posts: 692


    You know a cars being tuned when it has lumpy cams 😁

    Instagram is robinangell123

    Cheers 🍻


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