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UK - England
Posts: 73
Hi, cut up my tray to keep subwoofer and added a full size spare, has anyone removed there’s entirely and don’t need it anymore and willing to sell there’s, thinking of selling car and giving new owner the choice, many thanks
Posts: 4627
Probably better to post some photo’s of how it looks.
I’m after the original one that came with the car, it’s in 2 pieces and the left one holds the subwoofer ( put back to standard)
Posts: 698
Search boot foams with car parts finders online
Could have it in three days….
Cheers guys, only need the foam, will phone dealers on monday to order it, new for the 2 pieces was £145, was hoping to save a few quid secondhand
Posts: 93
I’m pretty sure i have one in my shed. Let me know if your still looking & i’ll check.
Thanks for that but I’ve already bought a new one
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