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  • #189880


    UK - England

    Posts: 215

    Whats everyone’s take on the castrol oil or the OEM oil wss m2c 937-a which I believe is in the car when you have the oil changed at fords! Only reason I’m asking is it’s a massive difference in price between the 2?
    I have mine done in between services so the oil gets a change no matter what miles every 6 months!
    I have probably opened up the don’t change the oil between services difference of opinion now 🤣🤣🤣

    oh yeh and the filter gets done every six months 😇😇😇



    UK - England

    Posts: 1124

    The correct castrol oil has that spec!!

    Which 2 oils have a massive difference in price?

    When I had Ford main dealer service I was given the left over oil and if memory serves me it was the same castrol oil that I have bought.

    6 monthly oil change , I say up to you, personally I don’t do enough miles a yr to warrant it, but I’m in the camp of doesn’t hurt.



    UK - England

    Posts: 215


    you can get 10 litres of OEM on fleabay for 57:99 at the moment you can get another 20% off takes it down to roughly £45 for 10 litres castrol for 4 litres is £35

    That’s what I mean unless I have it totally wrong 😑



    UK - England

    Posts: 1124

    Still lost with term OEM for oil? Is it ford branded

    There are lots of oils with correct spec, but we all have our own preferences. Same with choice of partner /cloths/ polish ect ect, one will swear by it one another will say rubbish. Some will say change oil twice a yr with good oil is better than once a yr with the best oil money can buy.

    Personally with a £30k + car I’ve got no problem with buying castrol for it, if you want to save £25 on 10ltrs go for it👍 works out to £0.001 per mile saving if it was enough for 2 services, I know it isn’t(  going by fords service requirements of oil change every 12,500 miles)

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