Extra layers working?

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Home Forums Technology Security Extra layers working?

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  • #22072


    United Kingdom

    Posts: 29

    Excellent security advice on the forum and from members that have installed the ghost package. Hopefully all the extra security layers are now paying off. Would be great to hear a thumbs up from those that have been running their cars for a while now…


    Chris Preston

    UK - England

    Posts: 543

    Leave mine anywhere with the ? then again I have 2 fitted to the same car



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 41

    We have  had our car done don’t tend to worry so much about the car now but still don’t  help the mind get over parking it in a car park wating for some twat to dink the door !!!!

    Magnetic Mountuned, plus additions


    Ian Barker

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1048

    Very pleased with the? Great work by Chris and kenny ?

    Fully forged running M400x



    UK - England

    Posts: 58

    Very satisfied to know that the car is secure even if I leave the key on the bonnet. Also very pleased with the installation and support from Chris @ Veil Tuning, highly recommended!

    Edit: Oops, just noticed this is quite an old thread.

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