For those interested in the legality of the vehicle registration:
For vehicles with new or replacement number plates ffitted from 1 September 2001, registration numbers can no longer be shown over three lines (unless the vehicle was rst registered before 1 January 1973) or if a vehicle is constructed before 1 January 1976 and is registered in the historic tax class and is exempt from vehicle tax. Also, the letters and numbers (characters) on number plates bought since 1 September 2001 will need to meet the following standards.
- Characters must be 79mm tall
- Characters (except the number 1 or letter I) must be 50mm wide
- The character stroke (the thickness of the black print) must be 14mm
- The space between characters must be 11mm
- The space between the age identi er and the random letters must be 33mm
- The margins at the top, bottom and side of the plate must be 11mm
- Vertical space between the age identifier and the random numbers must be 19mm
Anything different from the above isn’t road legal and could result in a fine.