Greetings from Hungary from a focus fan

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    UK - England

    Posts: 204

    Welcome to the club. Love black. It was between that and magnetic grey when I got mine. I decided grey mainly as my past 4 cars had been black so time for a change.nothing looks better than black when it’s polished through ?




    Posts: 60

    I agree with you.

    The black is beaufitul if clean, but it should be a lot of work.

    I like the magnetic grey too, my choice was that originally.  My car is 1,5 year old and well-equipped. It was a demonstration car with 28 km. This reason I could buy much cheaper than the new price. I like the black colour, but I don’t like the magnetite rim colour. I prefer the light one. But I’m glad that my biggest problem is this. :o) I try to change it somebody.

    I would like this compilation:



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1562

    Hey Attila,

    Whereabouts in Hungary are you? – RS looks great and a very rare sight in Hungary.

    I go to Hungary at least a couple of times a year just to buy home made Palinka which is the best drink on the planet.

    Put some in the tank and double the HP!.



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 682

    Looks the business buddy



    UK - England

    Posts: 11987

    @attila, sure looks good,

    Honorary Member





    Posts: 60

    I live in Budapest.

    Do you only come to Hungary for pálinka? You really love it. ;o)




    Posts: 60

    Is the exhaust in the normal mode totally noiseless or pops a little bit?



    UK - England

    Posts: 666

    Attila, welcome. Some friendly advice – you need to run the car in properly for a 1000 miles before you do the kind of throttle on/offs that are going to get you popping and banging. Yes in normal mode, even more so with FPM

    Edition, FPM 375




    Posts: 60

    Thank you!

    My mechanic said that no need to spare at the beginning because in a factory there is a break-in period.



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1562

    Not just Palinka, But I usually export at least 5 litres every time I go – Love the stuff.

    Also love the spas – best in the world.

    So the video must be in Buda somewhere, very nice part of Hungary, I lived in Buda not far from Moskva Ter for a short while 20 years ago.

    Do you know any others with RS’s in Hungary?. I saw one at the border with Slovakia in August but that had Czech plates. Never seen any RS’s in Hungary and ive been there at least 25 times spending several weeks at a time there. I do know a guy in Bekescsaba who owns a Sierra with a V8 (he also has a V8 trabant which is a bundle of laughs but bloody dangerous).

    I 1st ordered a black Mk 3 but changed to Magnetic after a month or so. I too have the standard wheels which I prefer and when I see a picture like yours, all gleaming in black, I wonder if I made the right choice. Looks fantastic with silver wheels IMO.

    You get more and more pops and bangs in Normal mode as the engine loosens up which definately happens so I would ignore the bullshit your dealer gave you. Take it easy for 1st 1000 km, then you need to ramp up the revs on occaisions for the next 500 or so.




    Posts: 60

    Ok, I take your advice. Thanks Andy and Dave.

    It will not be easy. ;o)




    Posts: 60

    I agree with you. In Hungary the spas are fantastic and I like the good pálinka too. ;o)

    I dont know any RS owner yet in Hungary. I didn’t see so much RS. I only saw 4 the last few years.





    Posts: 60

    I brought the car yesterday.

    I love it. It’s very hard to drive slowly, i cant wait the 1600 km. I couldn’t sleep, I went to drive 200km in the middle of the night. :o)

    My wife is less enthusiastic. :o)  She  didn’t like its hardness and voice.

    Thanks to the forum, and you guys I already know the solution of the fake engine sound issue. In the rear sits, the sound is very disturbing allegedly.  Even though I didn’t press it.



    UK - England

    Posts: 9326

    Atilla ENJOY !! may I suggest a few xmas gifts for your woman?….


      and for you and your car…

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 9326

    or even a …

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.



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