Is 7.3 mpg acceptable?

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Home Forums Performance Fuel Is 7.3 mpg acceptable?

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    UK - England

    Posts: 732

    My friend who ” doesn’t do forums” drove over 120 miles and wasn’t happy with the consumption.

    He sent me this photo

    But the 7.3 wasn’t correct……he did the sums off the fill ups …. three in a day…. and it was really 6.9!!



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 78

    It’s not a Lamborghini he’s driving, lol. Average mpg should be around the 26 mark. Did he reset the trip? Easy to work out against mileage done and amount of fuel used. Shouldn’t be as low as that not unless he’s had it on a track for 126 miles.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    Oh dear that isn’t good. Does he have a heavy right foot?




    Posts: 21

    That can’t be right. I have somewhat of a heavy foot and I’m getting about 18.6.

    Although I did just pick it up a few days ago and have been enjoying the hell out of it. I’m sure mine will go up as time goes on.



    @TR8RS on instagram.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 110

    Does he reset his trip computer every fill up? If so it doesn’t add up



    UK - England

    Posts: 732

    Yes come to think of it he does drive in heavy workman boots.

    Thing is he had a big V8 engined car before.

    He reckoned that with half the cc’s and half the cylinders, with a turbo for efficiency and auto start stop, he would use less fuel.


    Also his oil change at 2,200 was too late as it’s filthy like a diesel car would be …. maybe that’s for another thread






    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 395

    i got < 7mpg on a track day…..




    UK - England

    Posts: 732

    Hello grunty motor

    very apt name

    thank you for confirming that

    around 7 mpg is possible

    if you try hard enough!!

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