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  • #203460


    UK - England

    Posts: 8982

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 718


    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    And the rich, richer…ignorance breeds ignorance.. pull the ladder up and sod the rest

    The book Ragged trouser philanthropist told us it all many years ago about these bastards

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 8982

    yeah, lets give all the workshy, bone idle lazy sods more money to go and sit in Costa Coffee and sip £3.50 lattes with a bit of cake on the side while they moan about ‘how bad it is’ under the Tories. Lets give all the illegal invader scumbags 5 star hotel rooms instead of 4 star, oh and Starmer will give them all amnesty to stay and then proudly announce ” We have got rid of the asylum backlog overnight ” !  You have to laugh at moany lefties, they drive round in £30000 Focus RS’s with loads of extras like Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz and then say they are ‘poor’ and the Tories are nasty and only look after the so called “Rich” !!! ha ha ha ha PATHETIC !! Lets see what Starkers does about inheritance tax, it cost me £80000 this year, maybe I should be glad I got it done before the lefty pratts get in power and try to rob anyone that has tried to improve their ‘lot’ instead of sit around whining. I really, no I REALLY hope the wankers get in and totally screw up this country once and for all, open the gates and let a few million invaders in, raise taxes, ban cars, hell really go for it and then we might see all the lefty mugs  realise how dumb they were for voting Liebour. 

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 669

    Maybe the whole system needs a

    ………… REFORM?



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    Mike you seriously need help mate, are you on medication? You have though with that response proved my point brilliantly so thanks for that 🤣🤣

    Ok so you wanna go there and as only a few weeks left on here let me humour you…

    So you have decided to go personal, albeit wrongly with not knowing any facts I can tell you I currently owe £22k on my RS as had to get a loan for it over a lot of years. Most of my extras I do on PayPal credit and pay over 3 instalments but thanks for jumping to yet another conclusion

    I also never said I was poor but unlike you I care about people who are worse off and not just myself

    I never said I was a Labour supporter either, I keep telling you but you don’t seem to want to listen, bit like most  facts you hear, don’t fact check and then copy/paste and spread! I don’t know why you bring politics into an RS forum, most others don’t and none of the rugby leagues ones I’m on do.

    But like another meaningless screen grab you have just sent, who needs to check facts right?

    You seem to me like a bully who can post whatever you want but when anyone puts their views across or does a counter argument you go on a rant, hoping they cave in… we don’t do that in Yorkshire 🤣

    Have you considered therapy?

    I’m off to the club now where I drink mild and pretend I’m poor, I take my darts but can’t play, they are just for show…. happy typing…look forward to your next shouty rant

    Just in case you missed it again I DONT SUPPORT LABOUR, I also voted for Brexit

    And finally to get things away from politics oh look how shit this McLaren is, should be much higher at the back… they ain’t got a clue have they 🙄


    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 11101

    Come on guys keep it light and mildly funny……. or am I missing something amusing here 😂🤣😂🤣 oh poop I’ve missed my meds ☹️

    Honorary Member




    UK - England

    Posts: 669

    We all get the one vote

    however shouty we get.



    UK - England

    Posts: 8982

    Bob, Liberals always get heated and like the radical left that call normal people Fascists and bigots, liberals call everyone mentally ill who do not agree with their utterly ridiculous soppy wet “everyone is lovely and welcome” views. I bundle ‘lefties’ and liberals together as all being lefties, all mentally ill and wanting mass immigration, to tax anyone that works hard to better their lot, insult folk that have got an education and get good careers, they hate inherited wealth over generations , its basic jealousy, they always see anyone doing better than them as “rich” and they hate it and wish to bring them down to their pauper lazy level, all unemployed spongers on benefits living in council housing together !

    and as for the socialist handbook “Ragged trouser philanthropist”  its basically an Irish workers pop at bosses, not happy to have a job and a wage he ranted that it would be fairer if everyone worked for everyone basically and dont work to make bosses rich!! ha ha ha ha  ! classic socialism and yet Al swears hes no socialist ! obviously in denial as a rabid Liberal. Just another moany whiney leftist book. Maybe Al is a Putin loving commie, because communism works so well doesnt it !! Pathetic.


    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 8982

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    Mike thanks again for making my point so clear, keep up the good work as your posts are pure gold even if a little repetitive which does surprise me as you are obviously an intelligent chap.

    There are so many contradictions in your posts it’s hilarious, try looking at your previous posts before you send. You do know Farage is a huge fan of Putin 🤪

    Fortunately for the rest of us you are and always will be the minority…

    As for the book you can’t do a Google search and then comment on it without reading it all, it was also written in 1914 where having a job and a wage could still mean you didn’t have enough money for food so no I doubt you would be happy either… I know you don’t research properly your reposted posts but trust me it’s worth taking the time to fact check.. just in case you haven’t got it yet.. one final time to see if it sinks in…

    I don’t believe in socialism, I think capitalism is important, controlled immigration is vital, I have a job, I don’t sit at home on benefits, I have friends and family members who are highly educated and not jealous at all, I’m not a liberal… I’m the one in the middle,

    far right Tommy Robinson is not for me, looney lovely lefty Corbin is not for me… I’m in the middle with a balanced view. There is no doubt the country is in the shit and all you have to say is 5 Prime Ministers in 14yrs! It’s great though you have supported Rishi and shows how liberal you really are and support immigration 👍🏻

    I will say I have never know anyone bite so much and to date you are my most successful windup project yet although I really am getting bored with the recycled crap you post that spoils a great forum as sure most people are also bored with it so I will end with one phrase I learnt a long time ago…

    two ears and one mouth, give it a try

    Have a great weekend Mike


    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport


    Pauly Paul

    Posts: 1585

    WOW , i can’t wait for you 2 too meet up , I’m keeping well away 🤣🤣🤣



    UK - England

    Posts: 1988

    Blimey this is just like the old days …LOL ……

    Magnetic Grey with all the best bits

    FPM375/COBB/MSD-  Quaife LSD,  DSC+Tractive  Suspension,  HJS200 cell sports cat and MT Cooler. Sync3 upgrade.

    Was UK seller for DSC & Tractive  Active suspension !!!




    UK - England

    Posts: 8982

    Pauly, can you work out what political party he supports? because I can’t !! he says hes not Labour or Tory or a Liberal !! must be some woke green idiot then !! ha ha ha, if not a greeny, then just confused and probably one of those suckers that say ” I’m not voting because my vote won’t make any difference and all the parties are as bad as each other” then carries on moaning..

    oh fuck me, Ive just worked it out !! he supports the Raving loony party !!

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 863

    @9designs – yeah the old days. Where is Howey or whatever his/her name is/was/maybe anyway. What a threesome that would be!

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