Mountune 375 fitted today…….

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Home Forums Performance Engine Mountune 375 fitted today…….

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  • #62586


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 54

    evening people’s….

    so I am up in Scotland..and with this burden I find that the only place I can get a 375 is in Peebles down in Edinburghshire….

    left from my hoose at 4.30am to get there for ten…yes I like to be punctual..any roads got brekkie as was a tad early then headed to Harrison’s to meet Colin…it’s 9am….

    was greeted like I was a toff! Offered a token to get free brekkie (me and my son) but declined as had been to costa…they took the car then and there…went through everything that was to happen,informed me that there was a recall on the car that they were going to do also!! Handed over my keys..hour and a half later a rumble as a blue beast flashed past the window..

    colin announces your cars ready,hah so you lowered it…? No…ahh well it is??? No wonder it fekin handles.!

    colin again goes over everything,escorts me to the car shows me the work/the old parts/gives me three freebies…am keen to get to fuk out in ma car….lol


    wow…I do think you will become accustome to the (noises) very quickly but for feels responsive,not much dumpvalve noiseie…more gulps of oxygen…and…roareagh…and more roareagh…he he.

    think the fuel economy is better to,it seemed to keep a better miles warning..

    when I got home I admired the car..then noticed on the back of it spots of black soot..this has never happened before…but it’s never backfired like this either!!!




    Ian Barker

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1048


    Fully forged running M400x



    UK - England

    Posts: 306

    I had mine installed yesterday but it was raining so hard I couldn’t really test it. Today is good though ?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 241

    Loads of good feedback for that Peebles garage….sounds like they know how to create great customer experience.

    Did you get the sound suppression chamber fitted at the same time?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 235

    was down at peebles this morning dropping my car off for the spring and new discs the years service well oil and filter change.

    they have very good customer service. nothing seems to much trouble :).



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 54

    No that’s it,very nice people the lot of them..

    no I didn’t get the suppression valve,quite like the breathing noise ….and whistle!! New discs tubs,standard discs or upgrade?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 235

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Upgrade to mountune discs.  Hoping they might fit the jcr seat kit to ?</p>



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 241

    Were the standard disks shot, or just fancied the upgrade?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 54

    Good question carsrus…although I am 7k in and when I can afford it I will go for the two piece  brake set they look well smert,,big price tag…but fuk it.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 54

    Also……cars poppin like a fekin midget after 8 mars bars…..????



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 235

    Upgrade for me. really wanting the exhaust.  Bit fed up waiting lol

    Someone was selling the discs  on the other forum brand new still in the box got them a bit cheaper. ?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 54

    Yeah??? Not on any others…what ones that?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 235

    Focus Rs forum another good site ?

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