Question Regarding Remote Locking

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    Louie Coppellotti

    UK - England

    Posts: 790


    Do you always have to press the remote key fob to lock the car? I know when you walk up to it with the fob in your pocket and grab the door handle the car unlocks, but wondered if it auto locks when you shut the door and walk away from the car with the fob in your pocket?






    Revo STG2 Beta Map 433hp 450lb-ft 610.1 nm

    ?????? Game REVO


    J J

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 201

    You just press the button on the door handle to lock


    Louie Coppellotti

    UK - England

    Posts: 790

    AH HA…..that simple. CheeRS JJ

    Also when you drive off is there a setting to activate auto door lock or is this a manual operation only? I remember on my Mk1 it was a case of holding buttons on the fob for a set time and then it set the door auto lock permanently and it was activated when you reached over 10 MPH



    Revo STG2 Beta Map 433hp 450lb-ft 610.1 nm

    ?????? Game REVO


    Julian Holling

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 95

    There are two buttons on the inside of the drivers door Louie.  One to lock and one to Unlock.  The car doesn’t auto lock when you drive away.

    Stage 2 Clutch, Dreamscience iMap DS-Ultima 2+



    UK - England

    Posts: 434

    I believe it can auto lock when you drive away but you have to get ford to programme it.


    A few bits and pieces added



    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    Yes I heard that to. The MK2 also locked by pressing the button on the handle or hatch, twice for double lock. But even if it locked automatically, would it unlock if someone say when the vehicle was stationary at traffic lights pulled the door handle as the key maybe in the drivers pocket. Or would the fact that the engine was running prevent this.?




    UK - England

    Posts: 9338

    I dont really see the point of having it autolock at say 6 or 10mph, I would think you would be more at risk of a hijacking while the car is at a standstill, so surely better to just remember to to lock the doors as soon as you are in? Iam going to set mine up so that only the drivers door unlocks, that way no one can jump in the other side etc when you initially unlock, that seems a better solution  to me, then manually lock once in.

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 51

    Autolocking at 10mph or so is perfect because it locks first time you reach that speed and does not unlock until you open the door from inside , even when you come to a halt in traffic. This feature will also unlock the doors if the airbag sensor is activated to prevent being trapped in an accident.

    This feature can be activated by dealers although many do not know how and there is a rumour that the software option has recently been removed by Ford from the dealers computers following inspection of the EU regulations relating to the original crash testing where this feature may not have been tested so does not fit in with type approval. I am unsure whether this is fact or just rumour. There are members of some Focus RS forums that have the software on their laptop so may be able to help. I shall be looking at this once I eventually get my car as I have it on my Peugeot 307 and consider it a major safety addition with so many scumbags determined to part decent hardworking people from their pride and joy.



    UK - England

    Posts: 12012

    Mines going in for service next week I’ll ask my garage if they can try, worth asking. Let you know how I get on.

    Honorary Member




    United Kingdom

    Posts: 94

    ALWAYS double lock using the key to engage the deadlocks on the doors! the simple touch to lock does not deadlock!

    2016 | Frozen White | All Options (no sunroof)



    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    My understanding of the double locking is it can be done with two touches of the handle button(indentation). The key fob hardly needs to be used and mainly from a distance whereas you need to be up close to use the touch locking/unlocking. Its quite sensitive and definitely a generation on from the Mk2.




    United Kingdom

    Posts: 94

    Thanks for the info Stephen – will have a look at this tomorrow!

    2016 | Frozen White | All Options (no sunroof)



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 94

    Quite right Stephen – thanks for that! 🙂

    2016 | Frozen White | All Options (no sunroof)

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