Rough idle at cold start

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    UK - England

    Posts: 341

    Hi all. As per the title really.

    I’m getting a little worried there might be a something up with my rs engine. So the condition it occurs at; at cold start , the initial 30 sec phase when you wake the neighbours up with your after market exhaust, this is all good and as it always has been. However the warm up phase after this when the engine settles down a little to around 900-1000 rpm ish, the idle is rough and has a splutter in it, which does sound like a misfire but no error lights or codes stored. I do recall the idle always being a little rough but not sure its been this rough 🤔 the most worrying part is whilst driving for the first 10-15 mins on light throttle every now and then you can feel a small judder/hesitation, like a misfire but not quite as harsh as a full on misfire. However once the engine is up to temp properly the idle is around 800rpm, smooth as it should be, drives perfect. I’ve only noticed this over this winter.

    Mods I’ve got, mountune drop in air filter, air tec intercooler, mountune recirc valve, scorpion cat back and collins cp2( only had the map since last summer). It’s serviced meticulously, plugs changed last year if I remember right, fuel filter been changed and I’ll change that again at service in April. I have read on here about the one step colder spark plugs, as I’m using oem ones currently.  Would or should I be using the denso ones with cp2 and is that why I’m noticing this on the warm up phase. Any thoughts?

    Sorry for all the text just giving as much info as I could think


    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by marty_rs.



    Posts: 417

    Hello, colder candles are strongly recommended for any upgrade. I think they should be changed in my opinion. But I could be wrong.

    Gel DMB / Pieces carbone AWMODS / Frein a main carbone RS / Bouton carboneRS / Peinture noir mat pavillon + coques rétroviseur + clignotant séquentielle black / Feu arrières séquentielle black / Antenne courte sparco / Protection ceinture RS / Roue forgées avec sigle RS / Pneus Michelin pilot sport 4s / Bandeau Ford Performance / Garniture carbVone tableau de bord / Vérins de capot moteur / Ligne Scorpion embout inox / Système télécommande de soupape JPperformance / Kit induction Mountun / Kit secondaire Mountune / Durite noire Moutune / Filtre Moutune v2 / Chambre d’insonorisation Moutune / Valve Mountune / Kit durites d’échangeur Mishomoto / Plaquettes freins Ferodo 2500 / Garde de boue Mountune / Stage2 BRPerformance 397 cv et 617 couple / Bougies NGK Iridium / Bras de changement de vitesse Mountune / Vase d’expansion Mishimoto noir /plaque denumérotation n°16417/lampe d’eau couleur blanche RS/plaque feu de frein arrière Ford performance/échangeur Mishimoto +durite Silicon Mishimoto/plaque Ford Performance immatriculation



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 117

    I get this too, think the plugs may be the issue



    UK - England

    Posts: 341

    Yeh I was reading somewhere on here about using the denso plugs when running higher bhp, but I couldn’t find if others have similar to me using on the oem plugs.

    . Is yours standard or have you mapped yours?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 117

    Has a stage 1 litchfield map on it with standard plugs



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 117

    I originally had a stage 2 dreamscience map on it which was fine it’s only been since I changed over to litchfield,I also feel that it’s not as smooth doing low speeds in low gears but I do have a habit of convincing myself that something is wrong when it’s not haha



    UK - England

    Posts: 747

    A properly configured map should be as smooth and progressive as the OEM

    By all means change the plugs eg Denso ITV22 with gap set to o.66mm and check everything for leaks etc.  If that doesn’t improve things you need to look toward the map.    It’s easy to make more power but to do that smoothly and progressively and importantly safely, is the difference between some maps and others.







    UK - England

    Posts: 341

    True yes. I’ll check the plugs for fouling and gap, and check anything else obvious. Like Andy mentioned though it’s easy to convince yourself something isn’t right once you notice it so I don’t know.



    UK - England

    Posts: 863

    Cannot comment on Litchfield however, I’ve been running Mountune FPM375, V3, and full charge pipe kit for around 4yrs with standard plugs and it runs smooth as silk!



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 421

    Did you ever sort this out?



    UK - England

    Posts: 341

    I haven’t really looked too much into it, though it hasn’t really occurred over the last few months. I’m changing the intake and breather plate for mountune items soon and going to get the injectors checked while I’m on. Make sure they’re still within tolerance

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