Rs spec quick shift

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  • #167999


    UK - England

    Posts: 692




    Posts: 417

    For my part I have that of mountune the passages are more pleasant?

    Gel DMB / Pieces carbone AWMODS / Frein a main carbone RS / Bouton carboneRS / Peinture noir mat pavillon + coques rétroviseur + clignotant séquentielle black / Feu arrières séquentielle black / Antenne courte sparco / Protection ceinture RS / Roue forgées avec sigle RS / Pneus Michelin pilot sport 4s / Bandeau Ford Performance / Garniture carbVone tableau de bord / Vérins de capot moteur / Ligne Scorpion embout inox / Système télécommande de soupape JPperformance / Kit induction Mountun / Kit secondaire Mountune / Durite noire Moutune / Filtre Moutune v2 / Chambre d’insonorisation Moutune / Valve Mountune / Kit durites d’échangeur Mishomoto / Plaquettes freins Ferodo 2500 / Garde de boue Mountune / Stage2 BRPerformance 397 cv et 617 couple / Bougies NGK Iridium / Bras de changement de vitesse Mountune / Vase d’expansion Mishimoto noir /plaque denumérotation n°16417/lampe d’eau couleur blanche RS/plaque feu de frein arrière Ford performance/échangeur Mishimoto +durite Silicon Mishimoto/plaque Ford Performance immatriculation



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 395

    The one i fitted looked quite similar, but is a bit more notchy. Certainly makes it feel sportier, but is it any faster?!?!?

    That spring pin / cotter pin was a total PITA to remove.


    This might be a good option – looks easy to revert back to stock if you dont like it (and no pin to remove)




    UK - England

    Posts: 692


    I just watched that ,  yes it did seem a bit easier to do with not having to remove the original shifter


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    I have that cobb one. Very happy with it. I couldnt be arsed to fuck about with that pin.




    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431





    UK - England

    Posts: 469

    Ive had the mountune one on for sometime  but just changed over to the 4htech one, the changes are so much smoother as its weighted better



    UK - England

    Posts: 110

    GGR do one that’s a bit cheaper, looks good in anodised red to.  But can’t find reviews on it



    UK - England

    Posts: 1566

    I went for this one. Not fitted as yet

    Quickshift Kit – Ford Focus Mk3 ST250/ RS

    Collins Cp2 map. Ramair induction. Mountune mud flaps. Scorpion Sports Cat. Scorpion Tracker. Wind deflectors. NB washer jets and shark fin aerial. EBC Grooved discs, YellowStuff pads. Airtec Intercooler, Miltek cat back with titanium tips. Collins quickshift. DSC Controller



    UK - England

    Posts: 1566

    I went with th Collins one at £70. Not fitted as yet

    Collins Cp2 map. Ramair induction. Mountune mud flaps. Scorpion Sports Cat. Scorpion Tracker. Wind deflectors. NB washer jets and shark fin aerial. EBC Grooved discs, YellowStuff pads. Airtec Intercooler, Miltek cat back with titanium tips. Collins quickshift. DSC Controller



    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    @Matt. B

    I’m liking the idea of the cobb one , that pin looks like a right pain to remove,  whats the shift like with it and what percentage throw did you go for ?


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    I went with the middle setting, think it was 30%. Its definitely noticeable and feels much better. Its a breeze to fit aswel



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