Seibon Carbon Bonnet with Vents

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Home Forums Styling Exterior Styling Seibon Carbon Bonnet with Vents

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  • #12305


    UK - England

    Posts: 247

    Looking at the SEMA pics. LOVE that bonnet with vents! Going to be available Kenny?

    KR Dave:)


    Pat Godfrey

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 298

    Well I was turned down by Velox as I wanted to buy their front/rear splitters on the promo “Full race” car but they refused to sell me non production prototypes

    give them a call and see if they are willing to ship yet



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    We are getting some SEIBON member prices as soon as parts become available. Will email to find out an estiamted delivery time.



    UK - England

    Posts: 247

    Nice;) I really wasnt going to mod it, at all, but I can see that fitting quite nicely with Nitrous B! Could also save on ppf/stone chips lol!

    Depends on the price though but Im sure it will be keen if Kenny has anything to do with it!




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    Prices are being released 1st December with products hopefully not too long after



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 109

    Never fitted anything like bonnet vents to a steel bonnet. How easy are they to fit? Cutting the bonnet scares me and rust issues around the holes! they do look the dogs tho.


    Pat Godfrey

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 298

    Graham there is guy that travels around fitting them

    He is from Doncaster in South Yorkshire but travels around to locations

    look him up on Facebook and message him on there

    His name is Nick Wiley



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 109

    Thanks Pat will take a look.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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