stopping on the hard shoulder of a motorway to take a phonecall !

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    UK - England

    Posts: 9282

    I see some Actress has been killed because she pulled over on to the hard shoulder to take a phone call ! The hard shoulder is for EMERGENCIES !! not for taking or making a phonecall or having a pi$$ !! What is it with this obsession with phones people have? I see more idiots than ever now on the phone while driving, most of them appear to be under 35-40. You see a lot on motorways struggling to maintain 55-60mph while slowly drifting left to right in their lane, usually the middle lane when the inside lane is empty ! I see little Iqbal the bloke who crashed into her has been charged with careless driving/manslaughter, I wonder if he was on his phone as well in his little BMW, unawares of what was going on around him?… I bet !

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.




    Pauly Paul

    Posts: 1589

    I hear you71-dba,I see the idiot all the time ,as with everything in this country we’re are to lenient, surely if the police badger on about using your phone saying it’s as dangerous as drink driving, And we know what them consequences are  !!!! so Why do offenders get a slap on the wrist , the message should be drink drive  ,drugs drive , mobile phones&drive should all carry mandatory BAN PERIOD , but will it stop the numpties maybe not .



    UK - England

    Posts: 358

    ive always said handsfree should be banned too,theres no way anyone can concentrate on the road if theyre chatting away about stuff/organising meetings/shopping sprees/hols/arguing etc



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    If she had hands free through she wouldn’t have pulled over…

    for a lot of people like me who are on the road every day handsfree is crucial, if I didn’t have it it would add at least 2-3 hours into my day having to pull over at every services to call back. If I have a guy on a building site with an issue that could cost £1,000’s if not sorted quickly I can’t say ‘I will ring you back in 30 mins when I get to the next services’

    its one of those things where unless you realise how it affects you day to day for business you wouldn’t be aware, ringing up to see what time tea is gunna be ready though is a bit different but how do you police it?

    the far greater problem is people having the phone on their lap and using it for social media and even watching a film, kid you u not a guy drove past me when I was crossing the road in Leeds on a residential road watching YouTube as he was driving…

    if it was pornhub I would have understood, needs must etc 🤣

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1554

    I regularly put Youtube on but I don’t watch, just listen to news reports etc. The phone stays in the dash slot.

    I couldn’t live without hands free. I’m not pulling over everytime I get a call, i’d never get there.

    Fords system is so good too. Compared to all other cars ive had recently including a Fiat 500, 2 x Skodas, Yaris GR and a Honda, The RS never drops out, seems much clearer and connects to the phone instantly – always having problems connecting my phone in other cars.



    UK - England

    Posts: 735

    Anyone who has a job should either drive or problem solve.
    not both at the same time.
    I was a teacher.
    you can’t drive and supervise kids.
    plenty of prats  think they can.mthen they crash.
    bye bye half a class and the teacher.
    seems there’s folk who are being exploited here.
    expected to drive…. A job in itself…. And multitask!!!
    I dont care how free your hands are.
    what’s your brain doing?
    what’s it concentrating on?
    driving isn’t a sideline.
    there’s  folk putting people out of work!
    If you want to work, then sit in the back and ask for a chauffeur.
    otherwise turn the phone off you arrogant muppets.



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    Wow you can tell your a teacher 🤣🤣

    you problem solve when you drive regardless of a phone 🙄

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 1122

    I’m on auto-pilot once I’m used to a journey (same journey day after day after day), if I’m not used to journey then bit less auto-pilot 😉



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    Yep hence why when people move house it’s been common for them after next work day to go back to the old house, I know my mate did it 🤣 “oh fuck, I don’t live here anymore…” even Rodney did it in OFAH 😬

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport

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