Turbo smart wastegate actuator

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    Jonathan Walmsley

    UK - England

    Posts: 19

    Has anyone fitted the wastegate actuator? If so can i have some feedback. Ie is it worth doing ect. I have an fpm375 with v3 exhaust and am just about to fit the mountune charge pipe upgrade. Tia.



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Yes its a very worthwhile mod to do over the factory item.

    Only down side is you’ll have to get the car re-mapped preferably via a Cobb handset which will save your FPM375 map.

    Its a turbo off jobbie to fit. their are 3 spring rates from 7lbs, 12lbs or 14lbs.

    12lbs is the most commonly used, Mountune USA use 14lbs.


    What they say:

    Upgraded wastegate actuator is one of the most popular upgrades recommend by our customers, after a tune and intercooler. The benefits are far greater than what you would get from any other bolt on upgrade that follows it. This actuator is manufactured by Turbosmart Australia exclusively for TUNE+, using our proprietary spring system and a few other small design tweaks. The standard off the shelf Turbosmart actuator is a great upgrade, but needs a few changes to allow it to produce the below outlined benefits I was looking for.

    – Consistent, and more predictable boost

    – Cures part throttle boost surging

    – Prevents boost spike during post-shift recovery

    – Increases high rpm boost levels by 1-3psi *

    – Flatter torque curve

    – Horsepower gains after peak power (some vehicles will see a peak power increase as well)

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck


    Jonathan Walmsley

    UK - England

    Posts: 19

    Excellent.  why would i need a tune if I’m already fpm375? Also i noticed mountune UK don’t sell this upgrade.??



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Mountune don’t sell them…………yeh but Mountune are crap on the Mk3, but their are plenty that do Matt Lewis about £135 and loads more

    The factory actuator uses a 7lb fuse wire crap spring new one is 12 or 14lbs steel spring. It’ll also hold more boost for longer than the factory one.

    You may find a big hole in your pocket without a remap which will match the ones in your engine.

    If you use the Cobb you keep the FPM375 so later on if you take off the actuator and go back to the OEM, you can just pop the FPM375 back on and all is good

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck


    Jonathan Walmsley

    UK - England

    Posts: 19

    Cheers for the info mate much appreciated ??



    UK - England

    Posts: 72


    Iv been looking at the forge actuator  …does this mean I have to map the car to suit the actuator  or can you run a generic map that just runs more boost …? Like on a Cobb or imap

    • 🚙


    UK - England

    Posts: 55

    Yes can this run on m400r map ok?



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    YES Your best getting a Custom map done as the spring is a lot firmer on an aftermarket Turbosmart WGA.

    If it was my engine/car then I would get it mapped as all the current maps only support the standard can which has a flimsy spring.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 221

    @white-rs2 I’m looking at getting some mods on my standard car and sorry for being ignorant as I’m not a mechanic what does this mod do . Looking at fpm 375 Intercooler hard pipe kit breather plate PTU and roll restrictor to start with.



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    It holds the boost rock steady and doesn’t flutter it away, you’ll actually gain a bit of boost over standard as it holds it properly. Probably wouldn’t work with the FPM375 map properly, would require a custom map day via a COBB or similar.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 221

    @white-rs2 thanks for the feedback

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