WooHoo new focus rs owner!

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Home Forums General Newbie WooHoo new focus rs owner!

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    Aaron Tsui


    Posts: 1

    I own a 2016 mk3 focus RS in nitrous blue. I am located in California, USA. Just got my first sports car (the focus rs) and first stick shift car in my life. Always wanted a sports car since I was younger, but never got the opportunity till now. I do not know anything about cars much. I just learned stick shift as I bought the car, so all these techniques I need to learn. I am an absolute noob in mechanics as well. I would like to learn more and eventually mod my RS. Please don’t eat my alive on the forums. I am here to learn everything I can and have fun. Thank you




    Julian Holling

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 95

    Welcome aboard Aaron.  The members here are generally a nice bunch and some of them are very knowledgeable.  I’m sure someone will be able to answer any questions you may have.

    Stage 2 Clutch, Dreamscience iMap DS-Ultima 2+


    Aaron Tsui


    Posts: 1

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thanks Juilian, will definitely ask questions</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Aaron</p>



    UK - England

    Posts: 12012

    A warm welcome from me, look forward to your questions

    Honorary Member


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