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Home Forums Styling Exterior Styling Wrapping

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  • #1690

    Big gee

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 4

    Hi guys, anybody going to get there new car wrapped!?

    If so what price have you been quoted?

    I’m looking to get a full clear wrap on my car when it comes to save the nitros paint.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    Sure there will be a few wraps happening. Is it just the front end you want wrapped?


    Big gee

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 4

    I was going to get the whole car done Kenny.

    I keep my cars a long time and so wanted to preserve the intros paint.

    I have a orange st and had to get some paint work done and it’s been a nightmare to match!


    Big gee

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 4

    I was going to get the whole car done Kenny.

    I keep my cars a long time and so wanted to preserve the nitros paint.

    I have a orange st and had to get some paint work done and it’s been a nightmare to match!



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    Got a feature coming up on the Xpel protective wrapping. Hopefully be live this week.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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