Road angel pure v2

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  • #164348


    UK - England

    Posts: 691

    Any one use one of these , are they any good,  was considering buying one for my van . Also it says it detects mobile camera vans , but is that from a database or if one is pointing at you ?



    UK - England

    Posts: 138

    I just use Waze and Radarbot can’t see the point of paying £200?





    UK - England

    Posts: 4554

    Me too, I use Waze very good, by the time the road angle notifies you it maybe too late.




    UK - England

    Posts: 129

    It’s not money I’d really consider parting with to be truthful. As above, Waze does the fundamentally same thing for free. Just don’t expect every camera/van/whatever to be reported on there straightaway. It’s generally good, but not perfect.



    UK - England

    Posts: 453

    I have one of the older Pure angels and to use with the heated screen they said i needed a 65.00 upgrade to it, as it picks up adjacent roads to the one you are travelling on. Well in my case when on the motorway and it picks up a 30mph zone road that’s no good.

    It should pick up mobile vans the screen flashes like fuck and says radar radar.

    I think the Snooper is ok never had one though.



    UK - England

    Posts: 691

    I think might hold off on this,  after reading some of the reviews on the pure touch , seems there has been quite a few problems with the software, and now seems to be unavailable like its been pulled from the shops

    Curry’s has 4 reviews all bad !!!

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