slight engine problem

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  • #182253


    UK - England

    Posts: 17


    have just joined the community mainly to share my little hiccup that accurred on tuesday.

    so i was driving home from unfortunatly having a covid test , just pulling up to a red light and my engine exploded nice big bang some flames and dumped the oil all over the road ,luckily as i said i wasnt doing speed and was just coasting up to the lights with clutch fully depressed (im a bit depressed as well to be fair as im going to have to walk to work now 🙂 )

    i know a few on here have had or know of similar what did you do? excuse for big power build maybe?

    running dreamscience ultima 3 with all supporting mods

    thanks all



    UK - England

    Posts: 902

    Some one will be along to advise you I’m sure



    UK - England

    Posts: 1124

    Chris, how deep are your pockets and what do you want are the two questions I would ask.

    Possible answers – I’m after standard power and pay as little as possible  or I’m after 520bhp and have got £18,000 to spend.

    Have you any pictures of this little hiccup,  we all love pictures.



    UK - England

    Posts: 1566

    Sound like a piston has come out the side of the block

    Collins Cp2 map. Ramair induction. Mountune mud flaps. Scorpion Sports Cat. Scorpion Tracker. Wind deflectors. NB washer jets and shark fin aerial. EBC Grooved discs, YellowStuff pads. Airtec Intercooler, Miltek cat back with titanium tips. Collins quickshift. DSC Controller



    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    No pictures im  afraid im rubbish with tech and dont use a smartphone.

    my budget is not massive as i have been chucking my savings at renovating my house,i was thinking of selling the rs to finish the house but thats not an option now…

    when i bought the car i put a sizable chunk away just incase the worst happened.not quite 18 grand though more like 9

    and yes i can see con rod 2 through the block

    and i was positive for covid aswell 🙂


    Pauly Paul

    Posts: 1591

    Ouch , that sound expensive ,fingers crossed IT NOT . 👍👍



    UK - England

    Posts: 9340

    sorry , but to me this just seems like a fake post and a fake poster, just jumping on the bandwagon for a wind-up. Even a ten year old could share a few photos . Engine explodes while cruising up to red lights with the clutch down? Yer, pull the other, its got bells on.  Seems utter rubbish to me, written by a bored schoolkid I reckon ! Lets see some proof before you get any respect from me ! Ive seen too many jokers join up here, drop a bomb and then never seen again…


    oh, and ” I still have all my coolant” well thats pretty lucky seeing as you have put a rod through the block and somehow managed to miss the water jacket in the block.

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by 71-bda.


    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    its going to be expensive either way i think, will be using matt lewis as they have looked after my car up until now,



    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    wow really thought people on this forum were generally ok .




    UK - England

    Posts: 9340

    how would you think that if you have only just ‘joined’ ? only a complete mug believes everything he reads ! Lets have some solid proof, then I will apologize, but until then, sorry but you come over as fake to me. I’m guessing you are about 14 and have been googling and maybe ike the Focus Rs and have come on here out of boredom. Please prove me wrong, just Ive never heard an engine putting a rod through the block at tickover while slowing down to red traffic lights with clutch down.

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    like i say i dont do smart phones so taking photos is a bit of a chore ,i find your post extremely rude and im not sure if your the one having a wind up and i can reassure you i am genuine.

    and yes i do have a full coolant tank and a hole in my block

    why would i lie? all you would have had to do was ask for a picture or two and i would happily supply some (i would have to charge a camara and do it tommorrow)

    manners are important, even if you are hiding behind a keyboard


    Pauly Paul

    Posts: 1591

    May be genuine braiboo , but as 71- bda specified to many folks on here with in-depth knowledge of every nut and bolt in many a ford RS . so tread careful. 👍😢



    UK - England

    Posts: 17



    UK - England

    Posts: 17



    UK - England

    Posts: 17

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