Full size spare

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Home Forums Styling Wheels Full size spare

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  • #54457


    UK - England

    Posts: 61

    Can anyone help im after a full size forge wheel with tyre to act as a spare I’m in the Kent area. Or if anyone knows where I can get hold of one any help will be appreciated


    Ian Barker

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1048

    There’s a rim on eBay £410.00 no tyre

    Fully forged running M400x



    UK - England

    Posts: 9

    just out of interest iv’e still a few mk2 rims would one of these do if you were really stuck



    UK - England

    Posts: 61

    Thanks for the replies wasn’t expecting a wheel to be quite that much especially without a tyre. I’m after a black forged alloy so if I get a puncture I’m can just swap them over and the car still looks the same



    UK - England

    Posts: 12003

    I bought a black alloy with Ford centre cap and along with a Focus ST Mk3 jack from Fords,  and a tyre from a local tyre supplier. It came to an eye watering £710

    Honorary Member




    UK - England

    Posts: 61

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>That’s an awful lot of penny’s. Really wasn’t expecting to pay 500 plus just to have a spare. Might have to go the space saver route. Just out of intrest what was the price of the jack</p>



    UK - England

    Posts: 12003

    I wish I could find the receipt, I think of the top of my head it was around £60 for the jack and wheel brace, I was on a shopping spree at the time and bought several other things as well. Sorry it’s not much help.

    Honorary Member


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