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  • #98577


    UK - England

    Posts: 531

    I read the previous thread about this club compared to others of this vehicle and there was probably 99% praise and admiration for the way it was run and (again 99%) of its members.

    Over time I have seen more and more posts from individual internet warriors, who, frankly are ruining the experience! I was wondering if anything can be done to stop these jealous ‘loners of the millennial world’ from joining. I used to be a member of a type-r forum and had to pay a small membership fee and give our details as to who we were, there was none of this childishness.

    These morons are will, I feel, eventually get this site closed down as the admin don’t need this headache (which is probably what they want, not happy unless they’re moaning and p1ssing the bed in their mam’s spare room)!

    This is just an enquiry, don’t know if it’s been covered before? According to Corbyn ‘we can all get along peacefully if we sit down and talk about our wittle feewings. ?

    NB 375, Goodrich hoses, RDU cooler (fitted for the hell of it), gas bonnet struts, Mountune RR, hard pipe kit, V1 cat-back….and RS seat covers!



    Posts: 21

    You first have to understand why a middle-aged man would spend all day trying to belittle people — it’s always going to come down to lack of affection/attention. These are people that spend most of their lives alone and incredibly unhappy; we should probably stop getting angry at them and start feeling sorry for them. I’m sorry you feel so unloved and worthless but it’s not our fault, all we did become more successful than you, which enabled us to by a (fucking awesome) car.



    UK - England

    Posts: 236

    It’s the same people mate making fake accounts that use to have an RS then spamming the forums. It’s quite sad tbh cause its the sort of thing id expect some of the kids I see at local car meets about 20 years old to do. Before this i had a mk7 st and I didn’t see any of it on the mk7 forums and its mostly 20 year olds that own them cars.


    You are dead right though the other forum doesn’t have this because of the member fee. I feel like Kenny should bring in a member fee to stop it



    Posts: 21

    You’re an odd fellow.



    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    I’m afraid this club is getting beyond a joke. it seems to attract two types of keyboard warriors. The first could start a argument in an empty room. An example is someone that starts a new thread simply to try and ridicule an individual they don’t like. The second has nothing better to do than try and wind up others by assuming different IDs. Both pretty sad and pathetic. Bit of a waste of a potentially engaging and helpful site. For someone new to the site, some members must come across like a bunch of…….



    UK - England

    Posts: 531

    That’s the reason I put this up, to see if anything could be done to combat this, bet their parents/husbands/boyfriends are really proud of them.

    NB 375, Goodrich hoses, RDU cooler (fitted for the hell of it), gas bonnet struts, Mountune RR, hard pipe kit, V1 cat-back….and RS seat covers!



    UK - England

    Posts: 236

    Yeah it’s pretty sad. I am almost certain the people who are doing it are actually in their 40s-50s which makes it even more pathetic tbh, its honestly the sort of thing my mrs’s little brother does who’s 15



    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    Herps i blame him



    UK - England

    Posts: 17

    And where howe



    Posts: 21

    You’re  an odd fellow.



    Posts: 21

    I have to set off to work now, I should be back by 1300. You can wait like an obedient dog (we both know you’ve got nothing else planned)  and we’ll play catch later on.



    UK - England

    Posts: 4832



    But some are funny, very funny, but others are mostly just tiresome.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 75

    What’s happening on here….



    UK - England

    Posts: 646

    Fail to see an issue here. If you don’t like it, ignore it. I think most of it is hilarious. Another option is go on the other Forum.




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    Yes it is getting a bit tiresome having to remove spam posts.

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