Collins Stage 1v2 map experience

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  • #153583


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 27

    Hi folks,

    I didn’t want the thread I posted in another topic to get lost, so thought it might be better to start afresh.
    As the title says, does anyone have a Collins map on their car and if so, how do you find it…..?

    Im reluctant to buy something with a Cobb and there’s a dealer near me that will rolling road the car and ‘live’ map it.
    Only heard decent reviews about them, so curious as I’ve not seen many RS owners using Collins.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 27


    Im guessing that no-one uses Collins…🤔
    Don’t know if that’s good bad or indifferent….😂




    UK - England

    Posts: 167

    I had a Collins map on my Fiesta ST. I was very good and so was their customer service.

    Collins has been around a long time and are good at what they do.




    UK - England

    Posts: 1567

    Check out the Collins owners page on Facebook. May be worth asking on there.

    I live 20 minutes away from Collins and see plenty of mk3’s with Collins badges and decals so must be some about who use their maps

    Collins Cp2 map. Ramair induction. Mountune mud flaps. Scorpion Sports Cat. Scorpion Tracker. Wind deflectors. NB washer jets and shark fin aerial. EBC Grooved discs, YellowStuff pads. Airtec Intercooler, Miltek cat back with titanium tips. Collins quickshift. DSC Controller



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 27

    Thanks for the input guys.
    With the amount of Owners who utilise Dreamscience / Devil / Litchfield et all, I’m surprised to see so few on this forum who use Collins.
    I’ve browsed t’interweb and seen positive comments from Mk2 RS owners regarding their  products.
    With all the forum chatter about ‘laggy’ Dreamscience maps and switchable maps via the steering wheel from Devil etc, I just want a map that can be installed, tailored to suit and forget about.
    Maybe I’m a sceptic, but what is the point in having 4 or 5 different maps available to use….?
    Yer right foot controls the delivery of power…..!



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833


    Switchable maps are great

    I think I have 8 slots used from the 12 available

    1 is full track mode everything dialled to 10 very un-economical on the road

    another is the eco map just runs 4 injectors low boost and 400bhp use this for boring journeys down motorways.

    others have different setting for traction control, different power levels, some with pops and bangs some without etc etc.

    Plus your Focus RS comes from the factory with 3 maps – Normal Sport and Track.

    So their is more to a map than your right foot which basically makes it go or not.


    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by white-rs2.


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 27


    I completely understand what you’re saying mate.
    I should have been more descriptive in saying that I don’t require variable map functions for how I drive or what I want.
    I don’t track the car or drive it hard whatsoever.
    I just feel the car needs a bit more punch.
    I think buying the Fmp 375 is a lot for what you get so I’m looking for something different, however may end up just going down that route.




    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    Thinking about it, I’ve had 4 maps or back then they where chips 2x for the Series2 Turbo T3 200bhp & T35 256bhp turbos and 2x maps (chips) for two power levels for the YB Turbo greens and greys. All from Collins good torque & power delivery and quite linear curves for their day👍

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck

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