Edition build number

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  • #153059


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 38

    Not sure if this has been covered but does anyone know if the RS Editions have build numbers anywhere on them.

    Id like to get a plaque made but not sure of the build number.

    Insta – @blue_rs_edition 

    Focus RS Edition – FPM375, forged wheels

    Impreza P1 – AP’s, 346bhp, mint

    Clio 172 Cup turbo – track project, needs finished

    Leon Cupra TFSi – 237bhp, white



    UK - England

    Posts: 12032

    The answer is There are no official build number from Ford’s for the Mk3 RS. But there’s someone who will give a build if you want one. But Ford’s will not verify or recognise the number you have acquired is the right or wrong.


    Honorary Member




    UK - England

    Posts: 12032

    @rsedition-Ste, there have been several threads on here regarding build numbers, have a read in RS Chat page 28 about 3 down for the latest postings.

    Honorary Member


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by bobcat.


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 38

    Thanks @bobcat. Much appreciated.

    Very surprised though that a limited edition performance car doesn’t have one. It’s not as if Ford haven’t done limited editions cars before.

    Insta – @blue_rs_edition 

    Focus RS Edition – FPM375, forged wheels

    Impreza P1 – AP’s, 346bhp, mint

    Clio 172 Cup turbo – track project, needs finished

    Leon Cupra TFSi – 237bhp, white



    UK - England

    Posts: 12032

    I’ve tried to get an answer from Ford’s, and basically the RS schedules were not consecutive so they were built out of sync. Maybe two/three or even four may have followed each other but then there was long gaps before the next batch were built, could have been U.K. cars or overseas cars all at different times.

    Honorary Member




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 38

    I get that but the might of fords manufacturing systems surely could work around that if they wanted it to. It’s not that difficult for a car manufacturer or any manufacturer to know which products go where and what their unique number is.

    It is what it is but seems antiquated to me in this day and age. Never put people off buying them, me included but would not have been hard for them to be able to number them I’m sure.

    Insta – @blue_rs_edition 

    Focus RS Edition – FPM375, forged wheels

    Impreza P1 – AP’s, 346bhp, mint

    Clio 172 Cup turbo – track project, needs finished

    Leon Cupra TFSi – 237bhp, white


    brook kelly

    UK - England

    Posts: 5

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    UK - England

    Posts: 12032

    @kenny, this one is for you 😹😹😹😴 🎣🎣🎣🐟🐟🐟

    Honorary Member





    Posts: 1761

    Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day.Teach a man to fish, he will eat a lifetime.

    Having a wo/man to phish…… they better get the hell out of our club forum. Those sick bas/retards!

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