H & R Springs, to fit or not to fit?

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Home Forums Performance Handling H & R Springs, to fit or not to fit?

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    UK - Wales

    Posts: 44

    Hello all,

    I have a new set of h&r -20mm springs and not sure whether to fit them or not, I like the current stance in the car but think it may benefit from being a bit lower all round?

    Know it has been covered in various topics before but thinking you all may have done many more miles on lowered springs and be able to give me some feedback.

    I believe h&r are similar spec to standard springs just lower.

    What’s your thoughts, handling/looks/body roll???




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 386


    Morning mate,

    Have you had lowering springs fitted on a car before?

    I had h&r fitted on a MK2 focus ST3 I had years back. They were fitted by the previous owner however I found the car a bit skittish with them on. I lived rural at the time so was a lot of b road driving and I found the car hit some of the funny cambers/rutted sections you get on British b roads and felt as though it ‘skipped’ across them. this was very un-nerving and actually slowed the car down somewhat.

    They were removed and stock springs went on which made the car more playful, handled better on the b roads and ultimately improved the car in my opinion. It allowed a little more roll and the car seemed to handle the cambers and ruts better.

    I’m sure on a perfect surface or track the springs would have come into their own however for what I needed they didn’t suit.

    The springs also make the car look a lot better đź‘Ś it’s a balance between all those things.

    Let us know how you get on either way đź‘Ť



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 44

    thanks Neil,

    Last thing I lowered was a 3.0 Z3 which I fitted some upgraded shocks to at the same time, cant really use that as a comparison hence my plea for reviews.

    I find the car sometimes feels a bit floaty at speed like it needs to squat down a bit hence why I bought the h&r’s as they have similar properties to the original but slightly lower.

    Probably 60-40 for leaving it as is but still undecided

    Anyone fit them then take them back off? If so why?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 386

    No worries

    I’m sure there will be someone along shortly with experience of these springs on their RS. It will definitely look a lot better.

    I fitted spacers and rally armor flaps a few months back and the first thing I thought was it needed to sit lower to complete the look. Who knows, could happen yet but I’m shelling out money on my other car just now so behaving myself as best I can with he RS haha




    UK - England

    Posts: 2003

    At the risk of sounding like a sales pitch,  sounds like you would be better off fitting a DSC module, well actually I know you would …lol….    certainly before fitting alternative springs, for me fitting MT springs without DSC was a backward step.  It got really bouncy and uncontrolled at higher speed over bigger bumps and undulations. Unless you drove around in Track damper setting, which is shite the rest of the time.

    Magnetic Grey with all the best bits

    FPM375/COBB/MSD-  Quaife LSD,  DSC+Tractive  Suspension,  HJS200 cell sports cat and MT Cooler. Sync3 upgrade.

    Was UK seller for DSC & Tractive  Active suspension !!!




    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    I found the H&R springs, ARBs, 15mm spacers and DSC controller made a massive difference.

    That much of a difference I don’t think I would of ordered the full Tractive if I’d know how well they made the car handle.

    Don’t get me wrong the Full Tractive kit elevates the car to a whole new level.

    But as a setup goes 2018 OEM dampers, + H&R stuff with a DSC Controller great setup for the money.

    Easily as good as the KWddc if not better.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by white-rs2.


    UK - Wales

    Posts: 44

    Thanks for all the feedback, dsc controller does appeal, having the h&r springs already I would probably fit these first to see what if any difference they make before considering the dsc module route, 1k is a serious outlay. Any offers coming up on these?

    ARB change out is not something I would think I would do, having read it’s more to do with body roll in corners than what I’m wanting to eliminate,  please correct me if I’m wrong


    Tall Paul

    UK - England

    Posts: 698

    I’m kind of in the same dilemma, I’ve got MT springs sitting there I bought for my last rs still in the box

    Do you still need DSC controller with tractive?



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Yes the DSC is essential for the Tractive set up it’s just a case of loading a different base map which you can then tweak to however you like.

    Me I’m still using the standard DSC base map it’s suits me.

    Plus it’s another box to tweak, along with the ECU maps and RDU maps.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by white-rs2.


    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Worth a watch from 10:40 to 11:50 DSC recommendations.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck


    Matt. B

    UK - England

    Posts: 1431

    Have them fitted to mine. I dont track mine so cant comment on how well they hold up on track but ive had no problems otherwise. I prefer the look so that was the main reason. Add spacers and it makes it perfect in my eyes.





    UK - England

    Posts: 1023

    H&r is perfect stance  good handling ish until you strat pushing on , on the motorway then it get a bit sketchy


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    UK - Wales

    Posts: 44

    Thanks everyone for feedback, well at a loose end today so fitted springs front and rear, front still up in the air as touched up some areas on the arms, probably next weekend before I get it back together and alignment done.

    I’ll let you know how things feel with the h&r’s once I get some miles in



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Worth a watch from 10:40 to 11:50 DSC recommendations.

    I forgot the link derrrr me lol

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 44

    Thanks for the link, dsc module looking more likely, was messaging Steve yesterday about one, currently no stock but says he can easily sort me out without too long a wait, spoke to someone who has one on their rs and says makes a huge difference to the way the car behaves, they are on standard springs.

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