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  • #52375



    Posts: 11

    @Kenny – raight forward and easy to install. Front flaps replace the existing fender liner clips with screws and the flaps mount tight to the fender liner. Rear fenders do the same but come with rubber spacers since the fender liner is set back. They are specific made for the RS so no drilling required, all existing holes. They were stiffer than I was expecting but just enough give to curve with the fender when you tighten down on the screws. I was worried about the rear flaps since one of the mounting points is to a flimsy part of the fender line (existing hole in the liner that doesn’t attach to anything) and the other two have ~1″ spaces but I’ve had no issues and I was still able to tighten down enough on the screws for the flaps to sit flush against the fender well. I only took one picture bc it started raining but I cant get it to upload


    Ian Barker

    United Kingdom

    Posts: 1048

    M Sport mud flaps

    Fully forged running M400x




    Posts: 11




    Posts: 11

    They have more photos of the RokBlokz flaps on their site…


    Rob Marsh

    UK - England

    Posts: 6

    Hi All

    I picked up my car on Friday 5 May. I am interested in purchasing the rallyflapZ Black KAYLAN mud flaps, could you let me know if you had to make any extra holes in the bodywork to get them to fit.

    Many Thanks







    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    Give me a shout if you wish to order a set of Rallyflapz they only require a hole in the lining to fit


    Rob Marsh

    UK - England

    Posts: 6

    Hi Kenny

    I want to order them, but I would like to get them before the 12th May. My car is going in for the fpm375 on the 15th May and the garage said they would fit them for me.

    Also not sure if you can help, The garage have said they recommend fitting the sound suppression chamber £125 which will stop the strange reeding noise?.

    Also they have recommended, fitting a PTU brace £220 (which isn’t Ford warranted). Not sure what to do about this, what do you think.

    I am a novice when it comes to this type of thing.

    Many Thanks




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    Got a set in stock just drop me an email

    The Sound Suppression Chamber is highly recommended to stop the whistling at start up yes.

    The PTU is again recommended but only if you are doing a lot of launches. This isn’t warrantied so you could say any damage done without should be warranted.

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