she’ll be just fine and dandy. I’d open it with the fob and not the door handle method. Bear in mind these batteries are fully charged at around 12.6 volts and if you have a measured voltage of 12v thats considered pretty much discharged. Its hard for the alternator to fully charge it so you really need to get a charger/ctek etc , having the battery going from practically discharged state to only partially fully charged and then back to discharged again is going to shorten the battery’s life. The cars stop/start feature is quite a good indication of the state of charge because it won’t come into operation unless the battery is pretty much fully charged. I know when I’d leave my car for just a week/10 days the stop start feature will not work again just by giving it a charge up by driving 20 or so miles.
No nothing.
No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.
No tackiness.
Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.