Review please Mountune Smartflash m380/400

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Home Forums Performance Engine Review please Mountune Smartflash m380/400

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    UK - England

    Posts: 770




    UK - England

    Posts: 770

    Hi does anyone use this?
    I have a standard engine but have added the 375 hardware, no map.
    Will this 380 tune be reliable do you think?
    I’m frightened that I might be tempted to try the 400 map and ….. bang!



    UK - England

    Posts: 159

    IIRC mountune state the 400 should have forging done before using



    UK - England

    Posts: 159

    Yup 400x still recommends forging



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    The best map Mountune have is the FPM375 the rest just don’t measure up against everyone else’s.

    FPM375 was over seen by Ford and had to hit certain power and torque targets as stated by Ford literature the rest where not and do not.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 747

    Forging is not essential for the M400R but is ‘recommended’  The 400X is a very different map with more aggressive boost profile so forging is part of the spec. for that.

    I’ve had both the 380 and 400R both via the Mountune (Cobb) Accessport  The 400R was SO much better but required exhaust and sports cat and intercooler.





    UK - England

    Posts: 770

    Thank you folks for giving me help and advice.
    I think that I may have fallen for a bit of sales patter.
    I’ll hold back for now.
    when in doubt, do nought.



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    Yep we are all guilty of it, nearly did same then read these articles and now saving up and taking her to 440 in a few years

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 718

    This takes you straight to mapping articles he wrote for Fast Ford, it made my brain hurt a bit as it progresses but fascinating and for me do it right first time, hence me saving up

    Eibach Pumaspeed springs UK  – Mountune full Induction – delete valve plug – carbon knob – JCR seat lowering kit set @ 39mm – black nuts! Engine forged by FJRS – TCR front splitter V2 and side skirts – RS rallyflapz – Car serviced/maintained by GS Motorsport



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    Depending where you are in the UK you have Devil Developments – Motorsport Developments – Sabre – Collins PE their are others but these are a good starting point.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 88

    I’ve looked on Mountune website & it’s interesting they note the following about this smartflash:

    ”With any of the calibrations installed, you’ll also be able to adjust the torque output in preset incremental torque demands using the plus and minus buttons on the steering wheel”


    I emailed them the other day to understand what preset torque options are available on the M380 map but as yet haven’t heard!



    UK - England

    Posts: 747

    Think they are still catching up on their first week back after the Christmas break.   Still waiting for the 235 map for the wife’s Fiesta ST to appear in the ECUconnect app.

    I reckon they mean the boost target can be adjusted in each map slot?  TBH it sounds pretty pointless as you’ve got two map slots which effectively gives you that?

    For this tune do Mtune state the need for IC/cat./exhaust upgrades?   I’ve had both 380 and 400 in the past and the hardware upgrades were required for the 400.





    UK - England

    Posts: 88

    Hi John,

    Thats fair enough. I guess there would be a substantial Christmas backlog!

    It does seem a little bizarre so will be keen to understand what they mean here.

    This is what is noted on their website:

    Recommended m380 hardware:

    High-flow induction kit
    Uprated turbo re-circ valve
    Sound Suppression Chamber (SSC)

    Recommended m400r hardware:

    High-flow induction kit
    Sound Suppression Chamber (SSC)
    Uprated turbo re-circ valve
    High-flow hard pipe
    High-performance alloy intercooler
    3″ downpipe with 200-cell sports catalyst
    3″ V3 cat-back exhaust

    Recommended m400x hardware:

    mTune handset
    High-flow induction kit
    Sound Suppression Chamber (SSC)
    Uprated turbo re-circ valve
    High-flow hard pipe
    High-performance alloy intercooler
    3″ downpipe with 200-cell sports catalyst
    3″ V3 cat-back exhaust
    Forged pistons
    Steel conrods
    Uprated (1 step colder) spark plugs

    I was at FJRS today to have a roll restrictor fitter, it was good chatting with Fred again. I think for what the cost of M380 actually is, I’m going to leave mine at FPM375 (probably), as it doesn’t really seem worth it for such a minor gain, although I’m trying to convince myself otherwise!!




    UK - England

    Posts: 4831


    You already have the best developed Mountune map the FPM375, the rest all fall way short.

    Also not sure with Mountune if you overwrite the FPM375 it’s gone forever and it would require a new purchase to reinstall it.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 88

    Yes, you are right- I suppose having time off over Christmas with nothing to do leads me to over think & scratch an itch that doesn’t need to be there!!

    RE overwriting the map- that’s not something I considered, which really makes your point very strong.

    Thanks for the comments 😊

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