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  • #53397


    UK - England

    Posts: 108

    Finished product ?



    UK - England

    Posts: 62

    I’ve been waiting since the 1st of March. Richard chased them yesterday and they said the knob is done. Their workmanship is fantastic but customer service is interesting haha!



    UK - England

    Posts: 9342

    I put mine on yesterday too, didn’t bother changing the gaiter. A chunky knob by all accounts, Ive only got small hands, but nice to change gear with all the same !

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    United Kingdom

    Posts: 195

    It’s good to read your all as happy with your knobs just as I am.

    I quite fancy one of their matching steering wheels – although not too keen on the flat edge to both top and bottom and then there is the price…………..

    May just get mine retrimed in the future instead?




    UK - England

    Posts: 108

    Yes – I saw one in real life and the flat top just did not look right. Plus the price as you said…



    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    Jonathan – I’ve also be debating whether to change the gaiter when mine arrives. I think your guy is spot on when he says it would be better to fit it to a separate frame so it’s easy to refit the OE gaiter if ever needed. If it helps, I’ve just found out that the frame is available separately (from the gaiter) by quoting part number F1930941 at £30.62 , incl VAT.

    On delivery, Richard has quoted me 5 – 6 weeks, but maybe he can encourage SS Tuning to do better to restore confidence in other potential buyers.




    United Kingdom

    Posts: 195

    Thanks for the info 🙂

    To be honest I have been using OE gaiter – can’t say you notice what one you are using when driving…………….

    I hope you have speedy turn around. Unfortunately mine was about 2 months and lots of chasing.




    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    I’ve ordered the alcantara gaiter with blue stitching to match my shell seats, so I’m keen to do the swap.



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 195

    That is what I have.

    Will be interested to hear how you get on 🙂

    If is simple enough to do will order the part you have mentioned and give it a go.




    UK - England

    Posts: 9342

    It just looked far too much of a faff around to change the gaiter, and I didnt really like the look of it much with the silly little sstuning label, so heres my one, alcantara to match the shells too !

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    United Kingdom

    Posts: 195

    Hi Mike,

    I agree – that ss tuning logo would have to go.




    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    Mine arrived at the WE after nearly two months from ordering. I agree with others about the slightly flimsy feel of the gaiter when compared with the original.  Also, sent mine back as the stiching colour was completely different than the blue used on my seats! A tip – I should have specified white for the gear shift lines/numbers as the blue used is also much a lighter shade. I’m told that this is the best ss tuning can do in terms of colours, although they will be sending me a new gaiter with different stiching. Have to say I was disappointed given the knob/gaiter is marketed for the rs. I would have thought they would have done a little more research before coming to market.



    UK - England

    Posts: 1271



    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    Got a replacement gaiter after sending the first one back and waiting nearly six weeks! It’s a better colour match but decided to keep the OEM gaiter as the SS version would not match the handbrake gaiter!


    Graham Murray


    Posts: 3


    Anyone who fit the replacement leather gaiter. How in gods name did you reassemble the part on the top, hands are in bits trying to get the leather into the circle and pushing the plastic part down around it.

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