WMI Proper fuel and a good clean for the valves!

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    UK - England

    Posts: 1566

    @GM what results will you be happy with from the rolling Road? Do you have a target in mind?

    Sabres results look good on their Facebook page, 429 with sports cat, and Intercooler. That’s some good gains over standard

    Collins Cp2 map. Ramair induction. Mountune mud flaps. Scorpion Sports Cat. Scorpion Tracker. Wind deflectors. NB washer jets and shark fin aerial. EBC Grooved discs, YellowStuff pads. Airtec Intercooler, Miltek cat back with titanium tips. Collins quickshift. DSC Controller



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    You could have a 50bhp single jet Nitrous system from say Wizard of NOS (On a Turbo engine gives 100bhp) for around £800 you can spend more much more. Against your £1800, that’s half a Syvecs setup plus meth on Syvecs £150.

    Refills for a 5lb bottle are about £30 and a 10lbs bottle around £60. I didn’t realise Methanol Injection was so, well expensive for the gains. I seriously thought it was a cheap fix about £500 how wrong was I.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @White-rs2 its not just about the power, I’m still on standard internals so Nos not an option… As regards to the kit you can pay as much or little as you want. Cheap kits are available, single jet kits a load of other brands… But its like everything else, you get what you pay for and I’ve bought all bells and some 😆 5 jet….. 4 inlet manifold and 1 boost pipe, so benefit from cooling also.

    Syvecs route is way too expensive for what it is or what i want to do, and where i would have to travel and take time off work to get it done. would cost me 6k.. Also a big issue for me would be leaving a much higher methanol concentration in my fuel tank. Loads of research out there on leaving it in the tank, fuel lines, pumps and so on 😬

    My system i have full control, can switch it on off at any time and will only be used to full capacity when in my custom 5th drive mode. And there are a crap load of fail safes, with the auqamist controller. The Water meth is totally separate, so high concentrate not in contact with fuel system. Also in the tank the same issue with DI set up as nothing cleaning the valves.



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @turbo-tone Yeah all the results are real good……. at this stage its early days and just first steps….. anything from 400-450 and ill be over the moon, but torque will be limited due to internals being stock…. The bit i cant wait for is the power increase, changing with the drive modes.. then the custom mode added for full send. There are a few mental results on a few cars i know of from there, but I’m not sure he’s published them? Also each car he’s done has been different in many ways, so you know your set up is having the full works… 😆



    UK - England

    Posts: 1023

    Glad your happy with the kit Gethyn!👍


    666.6 bhp 99 oct & wmi

    558 lbft

    OEMeth installs


    sabre tuning



    funk motorsport


    Owen developments

    WP Pro brakes

    HELIX Automotive

    KW suspensions

    Barney Build

    Grant Motorsport




    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Well happy, 12% extra clamping on RDU has made a huge difference also… car feels mental in comparison in wet conditions.

    didn’t realise also fake noise was also so shit.. only when it’s gone you really notice it was there 🤣🤣



    UK - England

    Posts: 692


    How did the rolling road go 🤔



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @robroy 🤯 created a monster… could be fragile monster 🤷 but i have full faith in it and its awesome… and a great second step to bigger things 🤣😂 Im going to update the page i started with the car, full detail and info including the DS runs



    UK - England

    Posts: 159

    how did the vehcile perform with wmi active and no specific tune for it



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    The DS U3 dyno graph i uploaded was just that WMI on but but not tuned for it…. performed well, the WMI spray is boost activated. All the kits i looked at the Aquamist is among the expensive end…. but control / controller and fail safes are a level above. The manifold valves and so on are really well made, and quality looking compared to some kits that use AN fittings and huge hose 🤢

    Give the guys below a call / mail or so on…. Facebook or Instagram can tell you allot more than me.

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