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  • #165594


    UK - England

    Posts: 4833


    Pick away if I can help I would be happy too.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - N.Ireland

    Posts: 127

    Does your speed limiter and cruise control work  after having syvecs fitted ?

    i have a few niggles with revs hanging etc but devil i expect will sort that out.

    Its back !




    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    No the cruise is a function that does no work with Syvecs, depending on how it’s been set up you can select maps via the cruise buttons. I use a Toucan screen, had the Bluetooth prior it was not the best

    No hanging revs.

    Also mine was done at Devils but I’m looking for a company within say 3 hours each way from Manchester who have a good reputation with Syvecs so far two names have come up.

    Nothing wrong with Lees @ Devils Developments work the maps are great it’s just the 10-12 hour round trip is a killer.

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    This is one of my first maps done at Devils. Didn’t have the twin port WGA fitted on this one. But now running 1.9bar giving 537 horse and I had the torque kept in check at 560 lbs

    Using the NX2 turbo 285 cams and a stg2 ported head with Syvecs ECU and good strong boost from 2.5k.

    The car drives almost like factory, it’s a proper Q-Car RS




    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - N.Ireland

    Posts: 127

    Thanks , i have only two maps and i  use the mode selector button, lee has made a great job of the mapping i have to say drives just like normal, just the revs hang on a bit in the high boost map.

    Didn’t quite get 500 but not that far away 🙂

    I really wanted the cruise control buttons for the ghost to work but there will be a plan B i’m sure.

    Its back !




    UK - England

    Posts: 4833


    what spec are you running if you don’t mind saying 👍

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - N.Ireland

    Posts: 127

    Standard head and cams , forged bottom end, nx2 turbo, radium aux fuel rail with 1000cc injectors , syvecs with flex fuel.

    Drives really nice in the low boost map and the high boost one too, just tend to hang with revs in the high boost map.

    Ive asked lee for the graphs as i need them for another purpose as well.


    Its back !




    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    Yep Flex Fuel was a no brainier at £150 what’s your AF reading when you put meth in your tank? How much are you putting in your tank?

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - N.Ireland

    Posts: 127

    Not using meth at the moment, i needed it due to not getting super unleaded in Ireland(south).



    Its back !




    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    Lee at Devils did an awesome job of mapping mine it pulls so strong from 2.5k.
    When I read most have to wait until 3.5k from other tuning shops. 👍👍

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    So with having bigger cams, a ported head and the NX2 running 1.9bar the car shifts more air in and out, which is great. But and their always is this extra exhaust flow has increased the exhaust volume to roughly 115db, Exhaust fitted is the Ford Performance by Borla.

    This exhaust comes with an additional 4″ silencer just after the down pipe, which is a Miltek 200 cell sports cat, which again allows more unrestricted flow. So the choice was made and a phone call to Tony Banks Exhausts (0113 279 8944) was duly done and it was booked.

    The section highlighted was decided to add an additional silencer rather than increase the existing 4″ to 5″ as 2x 4″ would give a greater silencing effect.





    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    So the existing FP Borla section was removed and the longest length silencer available to go into the space was made up and slotted into the pipe. Once its been heated and dis-coloured to the goldie brown as per the rest it’ll look pretty much factory. Sound now reduced to 97-99db so should be track friendly on a drive by result

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    Original silencer as fitted, just after down-pipe


    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    additional silencer as fitted into the system


    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck



    UK - England

    Posts: 4833

    Tony Banks Exhausts

    6, Lakeside Industrial Estate, Tong Rd, Leeds LS12 4QP

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck

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