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  • #93369


    Hong Kong

    Posts: 9


    The art of the focus rs is all about the connection with the car when driving. Who bothers about the interior! He might actually bought the wrong car at the start of he wants a posh interior ??



    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    Yes, very true Shaun !!

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 2003

    What I don’t get, if you want to do heavy mods (which is fine)  why choose one of 300 made red edition. Made more sense to mod his original NB, least there is plenty of them not to no miss one being f’k up !!!    No idea what he said though as I have to watch with the sound off.

    Perhaps he should just bought a  Type R instead.

    I’m assuming he doesn’t have top pay for all this stuff?  it’s done for the advertising he gives I assume?

    Perhaps I should “offer” him a DSC module or dampers ?! 😉

    Magnetic Grey with all the best bits

    FPM375/COBB/MSD-  Quaife LSD,  DSC+Tractive  Suspension,  HJS200 cell sports cat and MT Cooler. Sync3 upgrade.

    Was UK seller for DSC & Tractive  Active suspension !!!




    UK - England

    Posts: 97

    Normally I don’t like CF on cars as I think it looks cheap (might be because I work with it everyday ). However after watching the video with the fitted CF parts I actually think it looks not to bad. I wouldn’t do it myself but as he says in the video he loves cf



    UK - England

    Posts: 4831

    That He-She interior looks top quality, but; just too much red going on, proper migraine tackle :-/

    RS Edition.

    FPM375 Rocks

    The rest of the “M” maps suck




    Posts: 89

    This muppet is seriously annoying, really cant stand his videos and suppliers giving him products to talk about puts me off buying the suppliers products.


    People buying into him and giving him free stuff to talk about is only going to prolong his existence.



    UK - England

    Posts: 2003

    His business manger must be doing a good job then !

    Magnetic Grey with all the best bits

    FPM375/COBB/MSD-  Quaife LSD,  DSC+Tractive  Suspension,  HJS200 cell sports cat and MT Cooler. Sync3 upgrade.

    Was UK seller for DSC & Tractive  Active suspension !!!




    Hong Kong

    Posts: 9

    Just saw this, sorry if it bothers some members but god it looks f..ked up lol.

    Thats one Red edition ruined so technically 299 left 😛



    UK - England

    Posts: 162

    I Hope he doesn’t do anything to the heritage he’s got that would be sacrilege ?



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3886

    I like the style of the bonnet but I would paint it red and leave the vent fins in carbon



    UK - England

    Posts: 590

    More money than sense – that now looks a pile of shite with all that carbon not to mention the stupid Ventus stick on bits ala AMG 45…and the front splitter is overkill.  Proves money cant buy taste.  Worthy of a battering on Barryboys.



    UK - England

    Posts: 779

    Aaaaaaaaagh my eyes,my eyes they hurt!!

    Wonder if ford would build another to compensate for this one.

    May the Ford be with you





    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    He’s an arse with too much cash, he a digital arse. I agree why didn’t he use his original as a project car instead of cannibalising this red edition. And he does look like a geography teacher. Don’t think me and him have much in common.




    UK - England

    Posts: 1271

    I don’t give a shit either way. Why does it bother person A what person B does with their car?



    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    RS77, its because this is a forum, and strangely enough, people come here to express their opinions and talk about stuff.

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.



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