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  • #17209

    Nicklas Byriel


    Posts: 59

    Hey Kenny

    Couldnt find this suggested, but it would be nice with a section on the forums for all your recall’s and all that from Ford that you are getting, so they are in 1 spot πŸ™‚



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    On it Nicklas πŸ™‚


    Nicklas Byriel


    Posts: 59

    Cool man! Did you literally JUST put it up now ? or was it actually there and i just happen to spot it now (and not seeing it before because im stupid?) – Btw Kenny, i havent forgotten you and the stuff we talked about doing – ive just been overwhelmed with work – i will take a look at it SOONβ„’



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    Ha yes it was in progress. Ok no problem just when you can thanks.



    United Kingdom

    Posts: 36

    A regional section

    A previous forum I was on had a regional section ie south east, south west, north west etc

    Would make it easier for people to post meets and also had a national section for those meets like Ford Fair and track days where you would like a countrywide meet



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    A regional section is on the list. I think start with UK and if any other countries wish one we can add them on.

    What does everyone think of a Scottish, Ireland, Wales, Northern England, Midland and South of England forum boards? I think that should be adequate at the moment and can break it down further down the line if need be.


    Nicklas Byriel


    Posts: 59

    idea seems ok, i guess alot of you guys are from the UK mainly – however there are a few who live other places (i live in Denmark just as an example) and i did spot a US dude earlier aswell



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    I know there is a worldwide mix Nicklas, see if I can come up with a solution.



    UK - England

    Posts: 95

    Just wondered why I can’t quote other posts.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 3885

    This is one thing we are working on along with a few others. Hopefully be complete very soon.



    UK - England

    Posts: 95

    Great thanks , also why can’t I edit my own posts. I entered the detailing comp but wanted to go back in to turn off notifications.



    UK - England

    Posts: 95

    Maybe it would be better for the default to be notifications off then tick the box if you want notifications.


    stuart cameron

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 196

    Shifter, click unsubscribe at top of pge that way you wont get everyone else’s reply to comp




    UK - England

    Posts: 95

    Thanks Stuart , thought you had to remove the tick next toΒ “Notify me of follow-up replies via email ” as someone posted earlier. I would give you a thumbs up but can’t seen any emotions.

    Kenny why no emotions.:(


    stuart cameron

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 196

    No problem, scared to switch it off in case I win πŸ˜‰ . Maybe cause they say Men don’t do emotions πŸ™‚

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)
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