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  • #109114


    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730

    Episode 5 Gents!!

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - England

    Posts: 48

    This is a good watch hopefully he has lots of little bags with all the fixings labelled.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730

    Afternoon Gentlemen!! Here’s Episode 6. An awful lot of talking which I’m sure will please some of you?? NOT!! Haha!! Anyhoo, he should be pulling the Engine/Gearbox out tomorrow hopefully!! I’m away back Offshore tomorrow but shall try my best to keep uploading these. Should start getting real interesting soon.

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    cool ! I’m sure I heard him say his mrs was a ‘bit tight down there’ !! mmm

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730


    Haha..!! Indeed he did mate, indeed he did!! Lol!! ??.!

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730

    Episode 7 Gentlemen!! I’m back Offshore so had to do this in my break. Engine and G/box out and X Clutch Twin Disc stripped!! Things should start getting interesting now.

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    They certainly should, if you have problem posting I subscribed to his channel so could continue posting. This guy has stripped some stuff from the motor to remove it. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes. And what does he expect with the clutch if he has done daily launches. I brt its heavier than the OEM unit looking at all those plates. Unless someone can tell me different.




    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730


    Morning mate!! Yeah, In for a penny in for a pound eh!! Or “BALLS DEEP” as some may say!! Haha!! ??. No turning back now!! Lol!! As for the Clutch, it may be slightly heavier but then again I think he has a lightened flywheel so I guess overall it’s negligible. I’ll carry on posting but if I find I’m struggling then by all means put the posts up, I’m not even sure if anybody else is reading this thread apart from us, haha!! ? Right, that’s me off to work now!!

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - England

    Posts: 48

    He is defiantly balls deep now. Taking apart is one thing putting it all back is quite another, wonder how many screws and clips he will have left over.

    Hats off to him for taking it on.



    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    I’m watching Marc !

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 1730

    Episode 8 has arrived Gentlemen!! Stripping of Gearbox this time. Gotta take your hat off to him as he ploughs through this build!! ?.

    Cheers, Marc.

    MY/17, F/White, Forged Black Wheels, Recaro Shell Seats, Diamas SiRamik Glasscoat, H&R Anti-Roll Bars/15mm Spacers, EBC Turbo Brake Discs all round/Yellowstuff Brake Pads, Mountune Air Intake/Recirc Valve/SSC/Blue Turbo Hose Kit and Hard Pipe/Uprated Springs/Short Shifter/Rear Motor Mount/Crank Breather Plate, ETS Intercooler, Milltek 100 Cell Cat, Remus Wolf Inside Exhaust, Litchfield Stage 2 map via Cobb Accessport V3, DSC unit.



    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    Now I am no gearbox expert but I have replaced the syncro rings in a Vauxhall Viva many years ago. And I had a paraffin bath where I cleaned everything and assembled the gearbox smearing oil on parts. I hope it works for him but with all those broken fragments and smaller metal fragments I hope he’s got them all out. Not sure how resilient the carbon fibre part of the syncro ring will be. Its horrific how these plastic caged bearing are in all gearboxes now, nothing seems to be built to last. I do wish him well in this and am rooting for him.




    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    coast I think he must be cleaning parts off camera as theres no way a gearset comes out of an oily gearbox looking that clean and dry. As for the carbon fibre lined syncros i was dubious about them when I first came across them, we fitted a set to a mates Accord type r years back and had no issues, did seem to improve the gearchange and allow real fast hard changes without baulking or ‘beating the syncro’ ! I just wish they did them for my type 9 gearbox ! I think thats going to be a complete success that gbox rebuild, amazing how simple that one is.

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.





    UK - England

    Posts: 4627

    I have to agree bda it doesn’t seem too complicated and quite straightforward. I know virtually all the bearings in gearboxes have plastic cages, but why not the good old way with steel cages the weight difference cannot be that much. Or is it for a different reason?




    UK - England

    Posts: 9341

    Coast I think the main advantage ‘plastic’ cages have is that they have marginally less friction,( between the balls and the cage itself)and possibly run cooler? and that some of the plastics used do have a kind of self lubricating fundtion as they can absorb some of the oil , much like sintered bronze etc, they have probably found that using plastic instead of steel saves something ridiculous like a litre of petrol every 10000 miles! AND..maybe they are cheaper too!

    No nothing.

    No Mods. No rockers. Just a chunky knob, thats now been replaced by an RS knob innit.

    No tackiness.

    Std as Ford intended, but with a space saver wheel and jack and nuts and wheel brace. oh.. and flaps, a man has got to have flaps.



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