Home › Forums › Performance › Engine › Who gone for Devils a 530 package or Sabre 550
Think the summary is,
NX2 is a cheap turbo as its made to bolt straight on…. but you have to have actuator & be in the know
of a few little tricks to optimise turbo / actuator… others require exhaust manifold connection and
external waste gates, like 1 option in sabres packages so thats where the extra expense is.Do you need Syvecs to get big power and tune NO, unless your tuner cant tune what you have.
(unnecessary 4-5K, unless you running flex fuel and other options)Do you need 4 bar sensors NO.
All you need is trust in your builder / tuner, and trust in getting what you asked for and paid for!
Being told you have to spend 1000’s more just to get a job done thats already been started is puzzling…
but each to their own.
@GM, NX2 is great option for the price, have one running on mine and it’s great.
I have a single port Turbosmart IWG, Tuneplus verified the actuator holds and max 29psi is what i see.
My problem is fueling, or lack of it
@Perry Whittle I’m using Nx2, My problem is fuelling HPFP but stock injectors maxed out…. until the 12th Dec XDI injectors to match pump soon. Trust is exactly the issue, and getting what you pay for is not so simple? If id gone to a major builder as above, i would of ended paying 3 times the amount but with half the build (ie not built a full replacement engine). I really should sell my stock engine
The NX2 turbo is cheap in the same vain as the Focus RS is cheap compared to their competitors, but Id rather describe both as performance bargains for what they can do.
The NX2 will happily power a 400bhp car or a 700bhp both with minimal lag and buckets of torque making them so easy to drive. As shown in most of the maps is if you aren’t using Syvec your almost 50% down on torque from 2000rpm upto 3500rpm then the gaps close up, but that initial range is the drivability range which makes the NX2 turbo such a performance bargain.
For example: The Mountune M520 turbo gives the similar drivability to the NX2 but the M520 is a much smaller turbo unit so in the real world should out drive a bigger unit low down and it gets nowhere near the 2000rpm torque the NX2 does and the M520 wont get to 650+bhp you need then to upgrade again.
So now your 2 turbos in to get 650bhp at around £10k for the set up and installed or use an NX2 and Syvecs and literally save at least £4k, (don’t forget the methanol ££ saving too) with a better driving car with less lag and and faster spooling than the bigger Garret or BG etc
You have way more options, for example: Syvecs + Methanol add £150; a standalone methanol system done right is around £1800-£2200. Add in anti lag to Cobb or OEM ECU oh you can’t, add in traction control to the Cobb or OEM ECU Oh you can’t, add in Rolling anti lag Oh you can’t; manage AUX fuel / Methanol from one system, one strategy on the Cobb or OEM ECU Oh you can’t, turn off AUX Fuel and run factory injection only on your Cobb or OEM ECU oh you can’t, add in etc etc etc and its NO YOU CAN’T.
Syvecs and the NX2 are cheaper in the long run than trying to make the Slow factory ECU or a Cobb try to work. The OEM and Cobb give good numbers they just can’t give that drivability of factory.
So to summarise: If you get an off the peg suit you get what you get, it fits where it touches. But if you get a tailored suit to you it fits everywhere. A bit like the off the shelf turbos their good but why wouldn’t you buy a turbo that was actually designed for the Ecoboost 2.3 platform. That’s why its so good and has such a wide range of ability 400-700bhp+ and the torque as a Massey Ferguson diesel would be proud of.
Personally I think the NX2 Turbo and The Focus Mk3 RS aren’t cheap their just Performance bargains.
RS Edition.
FPM375 Rocks
The rest of the “M” maps suck
So what your saying the nx2 without syvecs is going to lose torque and driveability ?
I wouldn’t be going syvecs and keeping the head standard for now anyway
No your not going to lose any torque whatsoever, your just not going to gain that torque over the OEM ECU or Cobb maps which can be as much as 50%. The NX2 it’ll produce as much and more as the smaller M520 turbo but stay just as drivable all the way to 700bhp from 400
But if people factor in methanol at say £2k that brings the cost of Syvecs down considerably with a crap load of options available to from Syvecs.
Going Syvecs or not, is yours, mine and anyone’s choice.
RS Edition.
FPM375 Rocks
The rest of the “M” maps suck
Be good to see a graph of the 530 conversion without syvecs to compare
Got a screenshot of the my dyno graph sent to me today. I’ll get it booked in locally so I can get a comparison.
How do you get a picture to load from your iPhone?
If I could get it to load mine made 513.6 whp
That’s a good number for your first session and NO meth; what clutch did you opt for?
RS Edition.
FPM375 Rocks
The rest of the “M” maps suck
Both guys i know devils built and running Syvecs had to replace the NX2 to get 600 & above (dave with the PT6266bb Gen 2 Turbo) ? Dave’s was about 740 bhp on race fuel, before constant problems inc ecu… if you go through Devils instagram posts his the SG with RS04oRD plate, all his spec and so on is listed, from Nx2 to where he ended up.
I went with the stage 5 competition twin plate clutch from SCC Performance. No meth and standard injectors. Got a ported head with oversized valves but also went with Syvecs. Planning to get it back to Devils next year for eight injectors and flex fuel.
Clutch is a tad heavy though and can be a pain when in heavy traffic.