It was Robs car that I went out in louie, and yes its a monster, as soon as Revo release the stage 2 package I will get straight away.
I live in daventry where the Revo research and development center is so from time to time I pop in to see whats going on, and I can tell you I’m
like a kid in a sweet shop, I have also spoken to Peter at Revo who is the guy behind the software and development of the FRS and asked about
the gearbox, four wheel drive and he said that the torque doesn’t change from the stage 1 map until the FRS gets over 4000 RPM keeping the gearbox e.t.c all well within there limits, and as Robs car has now done over 5000 mile with stage 1 & 2 and having been out in the car it felt monstrously quick and solid without any issues. Oh and here is my stage 1 dyno and ill post my stage 2 when fitted.