Who gone for Devils a 530 package or Sabre 550

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Home Forums Performance Engine Who gone for Devils a 530 package or Sabre 550

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  • #179962


    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @robroy but if you just search ford then RS you get a position for like for like cars, I’m hunting down Nath’s time now 😂


    Brian C

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 194

    I wasn’t planning on getting a Syvecs ecu but I’m in balls deep now.
    how do sabre tune there cars are they using a Cobb?



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    No stock ecu 😎



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    And why its always spot on, and why i said to him again yesterday he is not charging enough! Who else has cracked the ECU? Mine made a solid 548.8 yesterday, with the need for a few little extras due to turbo choice….. Drives sweet as low power mode in normal, flat out in sport, track…. pops & bangs off also… just mental loud 😂


    Brian C

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 194

    So basically you think I’ve wasted a lot of money. Surely there must be positives of using a Syvecs ecu?



    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    @Brian C

    Is the problem  down to the ported head ?



    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    Brian C

    I wouldn’t say you have wasted money the Syvecs is a very clever bit of kit ,I know on the mk2,s you can feed the power in gradually so they don’t just light up the wheels ……… like it balls deep 😂



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Positive is a tuner that cant tune stock ECU, can use syvecs so can tune your car. There is loads of add on’s but all at cost, this the full blown can be 15K…. or so?  flex fuel is a positive if your going to run different fuels 🤷🏻‍♂️ not a waste of money if you need it, think we are all guilty wasting money 😂 some guys i know are between 30-90K into mk3’s with 2 being sold off for peanuts. Its really each to their own 👍

    My head is ported, different HPFP to rest first he’s done of type….. 8-10 cars last month this month going or gone through sabre all totally different setups…..


    Brian C

    UK - Scotland

    Posts: 194

    @robroy there putting it down to the system flowing to good by using a ported head etc.

    at very most I’ll put eight injectors on then that’s enough. What power did I you make with all your modifications?

    Team Devils no1✊🏻😂😂



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @brian C 548.8 bhp, but run out of fuel and didn’t have the correct spring, my fault ordered wrong part number…. stock injectors maxed out, new injectors and correct spring be at 580-590 where i planned / hoped to be….99 and port inject meth 👍



    UK - England

    Posts: 692

    @Brian C

    Sound like it will be a beast once set up 💪




    Posts: 1761

    Some serious numbers here!



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @brian c what HPFP you using if you need more fuel just add aux fuel, or change injector size? 1/4 the cost?



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    Mad tho I’m doing my best to use more fuel, for years its all been about more mpg 🤣



    UK - Wales

    Posts: 2841

    @nicklulu so frustrating now have a 6-8 week + post wait from the states, so close to ordering when i got the HPFP to being tight and thought we might not need them 😆

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 289 total)
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